The administrators of this network do not condone the distribution
of copyrighted material in topics and/or messages of public channels.
In case you find any user directly distributing any kind of copyrighted
material you should contact the IRC Administrators of this server, names
stated above, with proof and we will investigate the matter immediately.
We cannot control what happens in private channels and/or conversations
between users. We respect the privacy of our users and will not intrude
and/or log private conversations or activity in private channels.
We are not responsible for the file transfer from user to user,
as there is no way of backtracing this or blocking this, as the IRC server
is not a part of a peer-to-peer file transfer protocol such as
DCC Sends/Chats/FServes.
Attacks against this server (i.e. dDoS) in any kind are probithed
and will be reported to our service provider and local authorities.
The use of insecure relays (aka: proxies) of any kind, subject to service
abuse, is not allowed and any user connecting to the network will be scanned
for such relays. If you don't wish to be scanned, disconnect immediately.
We require that all users are RFC 1855 compliant.
Please remember, we will remove abusive users, using any methods we can.
- Real video footage.